Aura Cleanse and Balancing

Aura Cleanse and Balancing

My clients love this, it is the quickest way to feel energised and aligned with the Universal flow of energies.

Our Aura energy extends a few inches away from your physical body and glows with many different colours and patterns. It contains within it chakras, or psychic centres, through which energy enters and leaves it. Chakras allow energy to flow through the aura and subtle nervous system, which is a network of channels known as nadis connecting the chakras. We have 7 major Chakra's within the body, which are actually energy centres and are known to regulate emotions.

It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris and circumstances around you. Your aura can experience stress as you exchange energies with those around you, which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time.

Any blockage with any of these chakras has a definite reflection upon our physical structure or mental state.

Any blockage with any of these ENERGY CENTERS CHAKRAS has a definite reflection upon the physical structure or the mental structure.

When we are out of alignment or we are in a negative state then our aura becomes open to attract more negativity in our life's.  

The aura is heavily impacted by the situations and people you interact with. Since you are constantly exchanging energies with the people around you, it is common for your auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris or even picking on other people’s negative emotions and energy.

As a result, you may feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Your immune system may also become low, making you highly susceptible to falling sick.

Its always good to have an aura cleanse at least once a month just to ensure that your aura remains clear.

Once you start cleansing your aura, you will experience a drastic difference in the way you feel and return your mind and body to peace.

I always work with the Divine Source and the Universe to clear and balance your Aura. 

Work with me to clear your Aura, balance your Chakras and align you with the Universe.

30 mins

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