Transformational Healing

Transformational Healing

Transformation with Healing

Transformational Healing is a process of change and transformation. You are able to access the body’s own ability to heal and transform. With growing scientific evidence toxic emotions can contribute to disease and illnesses within the body. feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. Theta Healing® aligns with the concepts of free-will, co-creation, and witnessing.Theta is the frequency we work in during the healing.
Theta is one of five brain wave patterns. The unique thing about this brain wave is that when we are in theta we have access to our subconscious mind

By asking “What has caused this?”, we receive a series of beliefs and feelings that are held within the person which manifest themselves in the body or mind. Which then allows a transformation to take place. ThetaHealing® is best described as a way to tap into clear answers.

Vianna always asks the Creator how to help her clients. Some got better with just simple Healings. Others did not, and she was told by Creator they believed they should be sick. Some beliefs were genetic and other historic. The Creator showed her the Four Level Belief Work and then the Feeling Work. The results were amazing people came from everywhere to be healed and taught. Vianna believes that the Creator is real and no matter what religion you are you can connect to it.
Who Or What Is Creator?

Theta Healing® commonly uses the term ‘Creator Of All That Is’ or ‘Creator’ which encompasses Energy Of All That Is, Universal Intelligence, Source, The Divine, Universal Love, Collective Consciousness. This energy is all around us and within us. Theta Healing® is not based on any religion. We appreciate and value everyone’s right to their own beliefs and spiritual practices. We can all access and use this amazing power to co-create our life experiences.

How can Theta Healing® benefit me?

I will work with you and your limiting beliefs that are holding you back, you will discover and uncover self-sabotaging patterns in your life. You will become aware of your life’s lessons and their meaning for you,, Releasing them will allow you to move forward in your life and enable you to see opportunities that you would normally miss or not take.